Art by Pia Mapache

Fortune Favors the Bold

Team Rocket Executive Vulcan

Bury me in Gold

Hands of the Prophet

Origins of Valjean Ohka


• Valjean Ohka was born on January 22nd, to Ichou and Aeris Ohka.


• Ichou dies in Kanjoh War, leaving Aeris as Valjean's sole caretaker.


• The Kanjoh war ends with the surrender of Champion Samuel Oak, who resigns his position.
• Johto’s occupation of Kanto begins, causing an economic depression.


• Aeris develops a persistent fatigue and illness, and can no longer work to support their home.
• Valjean drops out of school and turns to crime to provide for his family.


• Valjean is arrested and serves his first sentence in juvenile detention.


• Aeris dies of illness while he is incarcerated, though he doesn’t find out until his release.


• Valjean is once again arrested and spends a second sentence in juvenile detention.


• Late in the year, an organization called Team Rocket begins to gain traction within Kanto, absorbing smaller criminal outfits.


• Valjean joins Team Rocket shortly before their operation in Mt. Moon
• Valjean meets with Bill on an errand from Giovanni, and is given a cellphone by Bill to be his contact
• Valjean delivers a supply of steroids to Lieutenant Surge in exchange for intel on a shipment of Pokemon being carried aboard the S.S. Anne, and steals the goods alongside Proton.
• After securing Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town, Giovanni discloses information about the Mewtwo Project.
• Valjean is given the codename Vulcan, and promoted to Admin. Giovanni gives him his choice of any Pokemon within the Game Corner’s prize pool, and a Crowbar. Vulcan takes a temperamental Dratini.
• Vulcan defeats Julien Fillmore, a pimp running a prostitution ring in the Underground Path running beneath Saffron City. He finds the girl who wished to leave the business – “Miss Hoenn” – a new job at Pewter City’s Pokemon Center.
• Vulcan goes to Cinnabar Island and locates Blaine inside the abandoned manor, delivering demands from Giovanni. They discuss the Mewtwo project, including Professor Oak’s involvement.
• Vulcan investigates Oak’s lab in Pallet Town, but finds nothing out of the ordinary.
• Vulcan receives a fake Trainer ID as thanks from Koga after stealing a box of Surf HMs from the Safari Zone for him.
• On the way back from Fuschia, Vulcan encounters Julien again on Cycling Road with a group of bikers. Julien swears his revenge and that he will use his connections to torment both Vulcan and Miss Hoenn. Vulcan kills him.
• Giovanni calls the Admins together to raid Silph Co, and Vulcan leads the charge. After seizing the building, he is promoted to Executive, now acting as Giovanni’s second in command.
• Bill calls Vulcan to Cinnabar Island for an important job: creating a Master Ball to contain the Mewtwo Project’s byproduct. Vulcan travels around to collect the needed materials, which Mr. Fuji, Blaine, and Bill assemble.
• Vulcan enters Cerulean Cave and battles Mewtwo to learn the location of Dr. Shigeki, who holds MissingNo.’s location. After finding the doctor, MissingNo. is unsealed from its stasis on the edge of Cinnabar Island. As soon as Vulcan arrives, the island is distorted from the Catastrophe’s power.
• On September 26th, Vulcan captured MissingNo. Green recognized the creature from notes within his grandfather’s sublab, so Vulcan returns and enters the depths. He finds out Oak’s machinations between the later days of the Mewtwo Project, his surrender to Lance, and his plan to create the perfect genetically engineered trainer to be his puppet: Red.
• Vulcan responds to an SOS call from Giovanni at Viridian Gym, but arrives too late. Red has already defeated him, and set off for the Indigo League. Giovanni passes leadership of Team Rocket onto Vulcan, and gives his final order to get revenge.
• Vulcan quickly travels back to the gyms around the region, defeating the Gym Leaders and stealing a Pokemon from each of them to prepare for his final battle. Before he can enter Victory Road, Lance storms out and battles him after his defeat and deposition by Green.
• Vulcan defeats both Red and Professor Oak in the Hall of Fame. Before their battle, Oak murders his ex-wife Agatha using his Tauros. MissingNo. emerges from its Pokeball and prevents Oak from using the mainframe to destroy the region.
• On September 29th, Vulcan is arrested as acting leader of Team Rocket, along with Samuel Oak for breaching his ban on Pokemon Battling, and Red as a witness/accessory.
• On October 1st, Vulcan escapes police custody with his Pokemon after a lengthy interrogation.
• By December, Vulcan crosses the border into Sinnoh.


• He is baptized under the name Vulcan, shedding off his past as Valjean.
• After several months spent in Sinnoh, Vulcan travels west into Siberia and crosses the tundra on foot.


• Vulcan arrives in Europe, and crosses the Galarian channel to the Crown Tundra. There, he releases Mr. Mime who had met a mate.
• Vulcan takes a boat from Galar to Unova, then drives west to Orre on a stolen Motorcycle. He sets off south through Central America late in the year.


• Vulcan arrives in South America, making his way towards Guyana.
• On June 18th, Vulcan’s ferry lands on Faraway Island where he meets with Mew. The spirit is able to stabilize some of the corruption in MissingNo.’s body, unknowingly spreading it into Vulcan. The feedback of psychic energy opens a rift in space-time, and Vulcan is sucked through with his Pokémon.

Art by Rov

"Modern" Timeline

202X, "Prime" Timeline

• Vulcan arrives in a new world sometime in March, and returns to this world’s Kanto. Though he was not a member of Team Rocket here, Giovanni welcomes him in as an Executive after being shown his credentials.
• In July, Vulcan begins to feel the effects of Ketsuban (MissingNo.)’s corruption to his DNA, as his cells cease replicating and his body withers. He takes over the abandoned Trainer Tower on Seven Island, and converts it into a Rocket owned genetics research facility.
• At the end of August, Ketsuban and Vulcan’s DNA was repaired. He is still weak, and will need time to recover.
• In September, a major incident occurred, causing Ultra Wormholes to open all over the world. Despite his frailty, Vulcan travels to Sinnoh where things seem to be reaching a head, and fights his way to Spear Pillar. He assists in taking out the threat, but falls through a wormhole after being badly injured, without any of his Pokémon.

1989, "Past" Timeline

• Vulcan appears on a farm in Paldea with amnesia, and begins to work there after healing from his wounds.
• As he cannot recall his identity, he takes on the name Jean.


• The farm forced to close due to new regulations, and Jean sets off towards Siberia


• Jean meets a member of an anarchist Militia based in the Ural mountains, and takes refuge at their temple to train


• Jean sets off south through the Mongolian plains


• Jean crosses the Gobi Desert into the region bordering the Himalayan mountains


• Jean serves in an insurgent military as a mercenary, fighting off an oppressive regional government for the territory’s independence while tracking leads on an organization he fought in the desert. After doing all he could, he leaves into the mountains.


• Jean stayed at a temple in the mountains for around a year, then headed south to the coastal region.
• He took a boat to Hoenn and did more digging, eventually meeting some Yakuza who likened him to the fugitive former boss of Team Rocket.
• Vulcan regains his memories, and realizes he is in his original timeline.
• He travels to Kanto, steals Oak and Agatha’s confiscated Pokémon from the Indigo League’s stores, and rematches Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave. Mewtwo willingly joins him after its defeat.
• After defeating Lance in Goldenrod City during Team Rocket’s occupation of the Radio Tower, Vulcan tracks the missing Celebi to a lab in Newbark Town, and stops Bill and Professor Elm’s schemes to use time travel to gain power.
• Celebi returns the Pokémon who had been taken from their times to their homes, and sends Vulcan back to the world he had found a home in as well.

202X, "Prime" Timeline

• Vulcan returns in October, 9 years older than he was a month prior.
• He continues the work he'd begun in his original timeline, collecting information on the lowest of the low, especially those in bed with Interpol, and exposing/executing them.

[❄️] Hisui


• Several months after the incident in Hisui with Dialga and Palkia, Vulcan arrives in the past after his encounter with Mew on Faraway Island.
• He retains his memories, unlike the faller Ingo, due to not being exposed to Ultra Space.
• Seeing this as a chance for a new start, he learns more about the locals and ends up taking refuge in the Pearl Clan's settlement.
• He develops a relationship with the Pearl Clan's leader, Irida. Vulcan begins to protect the settlement from various threats, sometimes a bit too aggressively.
• As his health decays from the effects of MissingNo. on his DNA, Vulcan sets off across the region to gain the blessings of the Noble Pokémon, and have Ketsuban absorb samples of their rare genetics. While Ketsuban is made whole again from their power, Vulcan dies atop Spear Pillar. Arceus revives him as thanks for trying to save the world.

Created with Picrew 13338

[🍷] The Boss


• On September 29th, Vulcan kills Samuel Oak to prevent his tampering with the Hall of Fame mainframe. He registers himself as the new Champion, and voids all charges against members of Team Rocket.


• Vulcan has a research facility built on Cinnabar Island, where MissingNo. can be contained and a cure for it's ailment can be found. Bill acquires a prototype of Devon Corporation's "Link Cable", and begins experimentation.


• Vulcan returns to Cerulean Cave and rematches Mewtwo, capturing it after gaining its approval.


• Vulcan is shot in the knee by a sniper, and begins using a cane to walk.


• Development of the Transfer Pak is finalized, and MissingNo.'s corrupt data is ejected into the space between worlds. MissingNo. reverts to a simple Ditto.

Art by Snug

The Rundown

Aka, the short version + trivia.
• The Protagonist of Pokémon Fire Red: Rocket Edition
• I will usually refer to Kanto-Johto as Kanjoh, and Blue (Red's Rival) as Green to be in line with the wider verse and other accounts I run, even though the other names are used in Rocket Edition itself.
• The given name Valjean comes from Jean Valjean of Les Misérables fame. The surname Ohka comes from the blossoms of the cherry tree, and the Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka rocket powered Kamikaze plane.
• The codename Vulcan comes from the Roman god of volcanoes and metalworking, and the Vulcan Centaur rocket launching system. It's also the name of a fictional alien species, and a hypothetical planet once thought to exist between Mercury and the Sun.
• Vulcan's birthday is January 22nd, 1976. He was 22 when leaving his timeline in 1998, and is now 31 in the modern timeline.
• In mainline continuities (universes where MissingNo. was not created in the Mewtwo Project), he dies as a child at the hands of his father, alongside his mother. As a result, Vulcan is fated to become MissingNo.'s caretaker, or otherwise lacks a purpose.
• Uses his codename almost exclusively. After being baptized as Vulcan, he tried to distance himself from his family name to not harm their legacy.
• Pursued most of the side quest objectives in Rocket Edition, including the Gym Challenge, the Underground Path prostitution ring, the Fishing brothers, and the Pewter City Nurse's request. Killed Ace Trainer Julien after the biker gang side-quest, to protect Miss Hoenn.
• Stole from pretty much every available trainer, except for Mr. Fuji in Pokémon Tower, and Ariana in Viridian Gym. He took pity on the former, and didn't want to disrespect the latter.
• Escaped jail before standing trial, and has traveled ever since.
• Only kept a small handful of his Pokémon, as the rest were seized by the police from the PC system after his arrest.
• He smokes cigars and drinks heavily, to cope with stress and calm his nerves. Likely suffering from complex PTSD, but refuses to see any kind of psychologist. This is especially true in the Modern timeline, after having spent half a decade fighting in war and guerilla operations.
• Oak speculated that Vulcan had a particular unnatural skill akin to Red, though it was Mewtwo who later identified it as an affinity for "Outsider" Pokémon. Normally, Pokémon that have been under the ownership of another trainer are difficult to command unless shown significant reason to follow orders. Vulcan can easily command any Pokémon from the moment he snatches their ball off someone's belt, as if he'd caught and trained them himself.
• When Mew attempted to correct MissngNo.'s DNA, some of the corrupted data latched onto Vulcan and caused his cells to cease replicating properly. He almost died from the affliction, until Ketsu could be properly restored to its true form and healed his DNA itself. This has formed a powerful psychic bond between them.

Vulcan's Pokémon

• Ketsuban is the Japanese name of MissingNo., meaning "Missing Number" without the need for abbreviation.
• Neo uses the same moveset as the Boss' Mewtwo, with the exception of running Swagger in place of Taunt. It is a more risky move to use, reflecting their difference in personality. Swagger also has a similar effect to the Berserk Gene, a Generation II item that sharply raises the holder's attack ans confuses them on switching in. The item is a trace of Mewtwo's DNA, found at the collapsed entrance to Cerulean Cave. In the game data, all wild Mewtwo hold a Berserk Gene.
• Otokodachi / the "Standing Man" is the family tattoo of Kaoru Haneyama in Baki Hanma. It depicts a traveling gambler carrying a massive church bell on his back, covered in wounds as he protects the child hiding inside the bell.
• Vileplumes are based on the Mandrake in form, with their flowers being a Rafflesia.
• As a Scyther, Scizor was a crewman on the S.S. Anne, hence the name Cutlass, the weapon of choice of pirates. Cutlass' ability to devolve into a Scyther is due to the evolution being caused by an item that coated his body. The evolution into Kleavor in the Hisui timeline is irreversible through practical means, however.
• Don Rhyxote is a nod to both Don Quixote, and that his former master Julien was a crime boss or "Don".
• Due to a glitch in the script alterations of Fire Red: Rocket Edition, Ghost Marowak can be captured in Pokémon Tower. The game treats it as if you had fled from the battle, and you can refight and recapture Marowak any number of times until you defeat it.
• Alolan Marowak is based on the Nightmarcher of Hawaiian myth, spirits of dead warriors.
• Capo is both a high rank within the mafia, and also comes from Capoeria, a South American fighting style based in dancing.
• Onyx is a black stone, and also comes from the Baryonyx, a long snouted dinosaur that Krookodile takes inspiration from.
• Goro is a shortened form of Pangoro, but also of Gorogoro, the Japanese word for rumbling.
• Messiah's name comes from Toxapex's real life inspiration, the Crown of Thorns starfish.
• Hans' name comes from Hans Christian Anderson, author of countless fables including "The Emperor's New Clothes"
• IED means both Intermittent explosive disorder, an extreme penchant for violent outbursts, and Improvised explosive device. It's less of a name and more of a descriptor. Or a warning.


Vulcan has a wide variety of Pokémon across the different timelines he is portrayed in, though a handful of them are common across each.

Dragonite, the Dragon Pokémon

Acquired from Team Rocket's supply of rare Pokémon given as rewards at the Game Corner, as a gift for his promotion to Admin. He has remained with Vulcan since being a Dratini, and is named after a famous painting depicting a resolute gambler, the "Standing Man". The name is usually shortened to "Dachi".Otokodachi's favored moves are Dragon Rush, Dual Wingbeat, Iron Tail, and Hone Claws. He has a Quiet Nature, and the ability Inner Focus.

Vileplume, the Flower Pokémon

Stolen from Erika when he challenged the Celadon City Gym between missions. For some reason, she didn't seem all that upset by it, impressed by his assertiveness. Vileplume didn't seem to mind the change in leadership either, and hasn't caused any issues. . . It's kind of weird.
Mandrake's favored moves are Solar Beam, Sludge Wave, Venoshock, and Toxic. She has a Naïve Nature, and the ability Chlorophyll.

Scizor, the Pincer Pokémon

Stolen from Captain Ahab aboard the S.S. Anne as a Scyther. Was very temperamental at first, but warmed up to Vulcan once given the chance to do lots of battle.
Cutlass' favored moves are Bullet Punch, Bug Bite, Aerial Ace, and Double Hit. He carries a Scizorite, has a Jolly Nature, and the ability Technician.

Don Rhyxote
Rhyperior, the Drill Pokémon

Stolen as a Rhydon from Julien Fillmore on the Cycling Road, after defeating him and the members of the "Bottoms" biker gang. Vulcan evolved him into Rhyperior several years later.
Don Rhyxote's favored moves are Drill Run, Stone Edge, Rock Wrecker, and Horn Drill. He has an Adamant Nature, and the ability Solid Rock.

MissingNo., the ??? Pokémon☆

During the Mewtwo Project headed by Champion Oak of Kanto, a series of unsuccessful prototypes were created. Most came out as "half dead piles of flesh" called Ditto, but one specimen inherited the powers of Mew without any of the control. This creature could not be properly catalogued by the team's machines, and was given the title of Missing Number, or "MissingNo.". The beast could not be controlled, and had to be sealed away off the coast of Cinnabar Island. A decade later, Vulcan released the seal and captured it with a Master Ball. After the apparent dissolution of Team Rocket and his fleeing of the region, Vulcan spent three years trying to heal MissingNo., which he had named Ketsuban. They found the original Mew on Faraway Island, and Ketsuban's erratic DNA was stabilized. As a side effect however, the corruption leached into Vulcan's own DNA, and the release of energy sent them to another world. After much work, Vulcan was able to restore Ketsuban's form to that of a true Mew, and in turn had his own DNA healed.
In the Modern and Hisui timelines, Ketsuban appears as a normal Shiny Mew.
Ketsuban can transform into almost anything, be it Pokémon, people, or objects. He enjoys taking the form of a doll that appears similar to an oddly colored Rhydon, which is also the form of it's Substitute doll when the move is used.Ketsuban's favored moves are Transform, Metronome, Psychic, and Teleport. He has a Quirky Nature, and the ability Synchronize.Metronome can call any move Ketsuban has witnessed in the past, and his body reshapes to use the limbs required.


Mr. Mime, the Barrier Pokémon

Vulcan released Sabrina's Mr. Mime while traveling in search of a method to fix MissingNo. When in Galar, Mr. Mime found a Mr(s). Rime that he fell in love with, so Vulcan left him there as thanks for aiding in his escape from jail.
Mr. Mime's preferred moves were Psychic, Reflect, Light Screen, and Teleport. He had a Timid Nature, and the ability Soundproof.

Gengar, the Shadow Pokémon

One of the two Gengars previously owned by Agatha. Vulcan gave the Shadow Pokémon to a woman fated to die that had visited from the past, and changed her destiny. This changed his own, in several ways.


Pokémon that were acquired after arriving in the modern era. He hands in most of the random Pokémon he doesn't have any desire to keep, but there's some he's taken interest in.

Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokémon

The product of Mewtwo Project on February 6, 1984. After a brief period of research inside the Pokémon Mansion, Mewtwo escaped captivity as it wanted to fight for itself and not as a tool of Kanto's military. For the next decade, Mewtwo remained in Cerulean Cave undisturbed. While searching for Professor Shigeki, one of the scientists from the Project who had gone into hiding, Vulcan visited the cave to ask Mewtwo for assistance in tracking him down. The Genetic Pokémon tested him with a battle, then pointed him to the old man's hiding place in Viridian City. Once their business was finished, Mewtwo invited Vulcan to return someday and battle it again.
When Vulcan returned to his original timeline, he gave Mewtwo the promised rematch and invited him to tag along on his journey. The Genetic Pokémon joined him in search of greater challenges and new heights of strength.
Neo's preferred moves are Psycho Cut, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, and Swagger. It has a Serious nature and the ability Pressure.
Neo holds a Mewtwonite X. When Mega Evolving, he gains the Fighting Type and it's ability changes to Steadfast.

Marowak, the Bone Keeper Pokémon

The Cubone who's mother once haunted Pokémon Tower. After a chance encounter many years later, he evolved into an Alolan Marowak when coming to terms with the wrath in his heart and the spirit of his deceased family. Knowing Vulcan is continuing Mr. Fuji's mission, he joined the party of his own accord.
Nightmarch's preferred moves are Shadow Bone, Flare Blitz, Bonemerang, and Fissure. He has a Hasty Nature, and the ability Rock Head.

Houndoom, the Dark Pokémon

A gift from the Elder in the temple Vulcan trained in as Jean. Houndoom was his traveling partner for several years.
Prometheus' preferred moves are Inferno, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb, and Roar. He has a Rash Nature, and the ability Unnerve.

Scrafty, the Hoodlum Pokémon

Capo's preferred moves are Beat Up, High Jump Kick, Head Smash, and Dragon Dance. He has a Brave Nature, and the ability Shed Skin.

Krookodile, the Intimidation Pokémon

Acquired as a Krokorok. Evolved in the care of a trainer that Vulcan hired to train him up. Apparently, he bit said trainer multiple times and wrecked his bike.
Onyx's preferred moves are Earthquake, Power Trip, Bulk Up, and Snatch. He has a Naughty Nature, and the ability Moxie.

Pangoro, the Daunting Pokémon

Vulcan paid Nanu to capture a Pangoro for him, as Alola is his neck of the woods.
Goro's preferred moves are Darkest Lairat, Close Combat, Bullet Punch, and Zen Headbutt. He has a Lonely Nature, and the ability Mold Breaker.

Primeape, the Pig Monkey Pokémon

(Pronounced "Eyed")A wild Primeape that had been attacking stores in Saffron City. As part of Rocket's protection racket, Vulcan was dispatched to quell it when several Grunts had failed. After taking a sound beating, it began to follow him around until he caught it.Primeape's preferred moves are Close Combat, Thrash, Rage Fist, and Swagger. He has an Impish Nature, and the ability Anger Point.

Kecleon, the Color Swap Pokémon

[ORIGINAL TRAINER - YAKUZA MEMBER, MAUVILLE CITY]Stolen from a member of the Yakuza in New Mauville, post mortem.His ability is Color Change.

Meowth, the Scratch Cat Pokémon

Vulcan entered the police station to case it for valuables, and Princess clung to his coat and left with him. She's stayed ever since, with Nanu's blessing.

Swirlix, the Cotton Candy Pokémon☆

A gift sent by Lulu, the Fairy Gym Leader of Johto, as thanks for giving her an Octillery during a large fire in Goldenrod City.

Wigglytuff, Pinsir, Dragonair, and Seadra were taken from the Celadon Game Corner.
Dragonair and Seadra were obtained as Dratini and Horsea, and left at the Kanto Route 5 Daycare to get stronger and produce eggs.

When returning to his timeline, Vulcan stole Agatha and Oak's Pokémon from the League's storerooms.
Agatha's Gengar
Agatha's Crobat
Agatha's Misdreavus
Agatha's Arbok
Oak's Venusaur
Oak's Tauros
Oak's Exeggutor
Oak's Arcanine
Oak's Gyarados
Oak's Jolteon

Kingdra, the Dragon Pokémon

In addition to the Pokemon he reclaimed at the Indigo League, Vulcan stole Lance's Kingdra a second time out of spite.


Pokémon that Vulcan acquired after arriving in Hisui.

Kleavor, the Axe Pokémon

In the Hisui Timeline, Cutlass devolved into a Scyther during his encounter with Lord Kleavor. Afterwards, he used a Black Augurite to evolve into a Kleavor.Cutlass' preferred moves are Stone Axe, X-Scissor, Close Combat, and Swords Dance. He has a Jolly Nature, and the ability Steadfast.

Zorua, the Spiteful Fox Pokémon

After releasing the Pokémon he'd captured in the Alabaster Icelands back to their habitats, one of Alpha Zoroark's pups decided to leave the den and return to the Pearl Settlement with Vulcan and Irida.


Pokémon that Vulcan owns in the timeline where he became the Champion and leader of Team Rocket after killing Professor Oak. He did not release Mr. Mime in this timeline, as he never found his mate in Galar.The Boss does not use nicknames for any of his Pokémon, and lacks the same attachment to them as his counterparts.

Mewtwo, the Genetic Pokémon

After Vulcan seized control of the Indigo League, he did indeed return to Cerulean Cave and battle Mewtwo once more. After their rematch, he captured the Genetic Pokémon to be his new right hand.
Mewtwo's preferred moves are Psycho Cut, Drain Punch, Ice Punch, and Taunt. It has a Serious nature and the ability Pressure.
Mewtwo holds a Mewtwonite X that Vulcan had produced along with a Mega Cane for himself. When Mega Evolving, Mewtwo gains the Fighting Type and it's ability changes to Steadfast.

Ditto, the Transform Pokémon

Using the Transfer Pak, Bill expunged the corrupt data from MissingNo.'s body and ejected it into the space between worlds. MissingNo. reverted to a simple Ditto as a result, losing all of its special powers.

Houndoom, the Dark Pokémon

Houndoom's preferred moves are Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Nasty Plot, and Sludge Bomb. She has a Modest nature and the ability Flash Fire.

When Vulcan's Boxes were seized by the government after his arrest, these Pokémon were taken and returned to their owners. In the Boss' timeline, however, he kept them all.
Brock's Aerodactyl
Misty's Golduck
Lieutenant Surge's Magneton
Koga's Muk
Blaine's Ninetales
Lance's Kingdra
Agatha's Gengar
Red's Snorlax¹
Professor Oak's Venusaur
¹Vulcan returned Red's Snorlax as a sign of good faith as his new subordinate.

The Legendary Birds of Kanto and Legendary Dogs of Johto, whom Vulcan captured to ensure they would not fall into the hands of any insurgent power. They still roam their regions freely, but the Pokéballs ensure hat no other trainer can capture them.
Vulcan had a six piped panflute fashioned, with each pipe corresponding to and summoning one of the six legendaries.

As both Agatha and Professor Oak are deceased, Vulcan has taken the rest of their Pokémon into his possession.
Agatha's Crobat
Agatha's Misdreavus
Agatha's Arbok
Agatha's second Gengar
Oak's Tauros
Oak's Exeggutor
Oak's Arcanine
Oak's Gyarados
Oak's Jolteon


Vulcan's possessions. Much like his Pokémon and history, there are differences between each. He always carries the essentials for a trainer in the briefcase Giovanni gave him (TMs, healing items, etc), but has a variety of other tools.

• A red crowbar, given to him when he was promoted to Admin. Frequently used to force open doors, and infrequently used to do bodily harm.
• A black pager with the Team's "R" symbol on it, and a simple green screen. Was once used to summon all Admins to their base. Has not gone off in years.
• A Nokia C16 Cellphone (Released in 1994), given to him by Bill to stay in touch. In most timelines, he's stolen or otherwise acquired a more modern phone for practical use, as the network used by the C16 has long since been shut down.
• A yellow flashlight purchased from a man near Diglett's Cave. After all, who needs Flash with the power of batteries?
• An Indigo League badge case, along with a Trainer Card. It contains all eight standard badges from the Kanto Region. The Card is identified as "Mohammed Smith". Forged by Koga.
• A 1992 Sony Discman, for playing CDs. The audio quality is a bit scratchy, due to having accidentally been used with TMs on multiple occasions.
• A CD booklet with several CDs inside. Included are Dead or Alive's Youthquake, David Bowie's Let's Dance, Queen's Innuendo, and The Beatles' White Album, among others. Stolen over the years from stores and random people.
• A cigar box stocked with Cubans, and a high quality matchbook.


• A Z-Ring gifted by Nanu, fitted with the Keystone that belonged to Mr. Fuji.
• A revolver developed many years ago. It fits six Pokéballs in it's chambers.
• A PPS-43, a retired Soviet submachine gun commonly used by the Yakuza.
• A thumb drive containing portable versions of the Storage System software and other programs, to avoid leaving traceable files anywhere.
• A Darkium Z, a Mewnium Z, a Mewtwonite X, and a Scizorite.
• A Tera Orb stolen from a drunk student of Naranja Academy.
• A flask of whiskey.


A majority of Vulcan's possessions from the modern day were sealed inside a time capsule. He had a metal plate inscripted on it to not be opened until the year 2000.
• Vulcan's crowbar was melted down and used as studs in his Kanabō, a traditional club used by warriors of the era.


• A custom cane fitted with a Keystone on the pommel. Vulcan needs it to walk after his leg injury.

Content Warnings

Primarily in Modern Vulcan's posts, there will be many dark themes mentioned or explored. In posts that go into more than surface level detail, I will try to tag them. But the following may be found referenced in passing:
• Gun Violence
• Smoking
• Gore and Death
• Police Brutality
• Child Abuse
• Torture
• Religious themes and imagery
In the future, I will likely be moving Hisui Vulcan to a separate account, as he does not share much of this subject matter.